Week of October 11, 2021
This is a very dense week!!! Much to do and I am behind (my days off are Monday and Tuesday so I try to get a lot done on these days but I had Drs. appointments. Yikes! I am behind!!!)
I really would have loved to hear more and see more of Bert Monroy. That was fantastically interesting and educational. Those two things don't always go together. I still use Photoshop Elements because the software has such a long learning curve. It was heartening to hear him talk about how he just figured out out to use this stuff. You have to admire these artists. Really loved this video. Very inspirational, although I can't imagine me doing anything like he does.
Okay, this is a really intense week. I am wondering - as I work my way through all the tutorials - if this exercise is not too advanced for me. I feel like I am having to master a lot of material in a very short amount of time. Yikes. I wish the Pinterest assignment came earlier...I tend to watch these in order, and I was almost late with my first assignment because it was so far down the list. Still not sure I am doing that right. Loved the Disney world-making video. Way over my head, but very cool to watch. Almost through all the tutorials and videos today (Thursday.) Now off to post my Pinterest assignment. Then off to bed...
I really struggled with this weeks assignment. After liberal cussing and hissy fits, and many fitful starts and crashes, I think I got a bit of a start on these techniques. I don't know how someone with no Photoshop experience managed. I do like my end result, although it is a bit rough and in the end I do feel like I learned something, but not without some bruises!!! Including a struggle to post the darn thing on Canvas. Nothing comes easy.
Okay, that's it for the week. I have a day off tomorrow since I managed to finish this on Saturday. Whew!!!
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