Week of 9/7/2021

Copyright Law:

Lot's of interesting material this week. The whole series of lectures on copyright law was super helpful. Ever since my second grade Catholic teacher (Miss Dalessandro!!) stood me up in front of the class and shamed me for copying my report on a saint, I have actually been terrified of plagiarism. Eee gads. You have no idea. It froze me for years, but I still feel faintly sick about it. 

These clarified a number of questions. The definitions of Creative Commons licenses particularly useful, and the challenges with Fair Use also helpful.  I really appreciate this overview. It makes one think more critically about what one is doing with the plethora of creativity around us and what it means to ones own creativity. I loved the final statement on one of the videos: Don't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you. Great advice. 

Spark Video

Well, well. This has been a little more fun than I thought. Was not aware of this little program. Quite a nice gem. I can see how it could be applied in a number of ways in business and for personal. I always hate these kinds of assignments...you know, the "tell me something about something" kind of assignments. So I picked something that was looking at me while I read the assignment through: my desert tortoises. I have two boys. One named Gandhi actually turned out to be a bully. He is the smaller of the two and quite the territorial guy.  The larger one is Goliath, and he is a special needs tortoise, having fallen off a cliff and broken open a hole in his shell. It is now patched with epoxy (creating a pseudo shell) and has a fine time in my backyard eating desert willow flowers. 

On another note, the Spark program has some strong limitations. It only has - as far as I can tell - set formats that you can use. Very little ability to adjust or change the format. This may not be the case, but a quick overview suggests very limited use. But the limited use still has advantages. Not necessarily bad.

Ok. Fun week, and I am a little more open to the online concept. I think the online classes that I tried are the monstrous ones, with sometimes 100's of students and no interaction with the teacher and "peer" review ad nauseum.  Glad I took this under the aegis of a school. Big difference. 


As I mentioned in discussion, I really liked the architecture. The runner made me faintly sick. Not a fan of that kind of acrobatics, but very cool, nevertheless. I have been thinking a lot about  modern art since my Uncle died and left me his collection. He has a variety of styles, but he loved the modern, abstract stuff. I think I am more open to it since he passed, and I have studied his collection quite a bit. I am now having to think about this some more...and are we saying some of this is the prequel to digital art?  Hmmm. Not sure how to think...

More next week.


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