Week of October 4, 2021

Digital Darkroom

This weeks plethora of explanations and explorations were fun. I am pretty familiar with Lightroom, but I use Lightroom 6, not Lightroom CC. There are some differences. The question is: are the differences worth the cost. This is a question I have been asking. This class (and I am taking the upcoming Digital Darkroom class) will, I hope, help me answer that question. The Creative Suite is pretty pricy....Also, learning this software is really challenging on your own. Most of the online help videos (of which there are a bunch) are dated and use the interfaces for previous versions. Challenging.

That said, I found the explanations of some of the more obscure (or less intuitive) controls super helpful. The radial and horizontal gradient adjustments, for one. Nice to understand how these work, although it took me quite a while to figure these out. Some of the things she said in her tutorial weren't true in the version I have. Oh well. Adds to the frustration of Adobe. 

I really enjoyed the George Eastman Museum. Really, what I said in the discussions.  What a fabulous resource. I really appreciate the exposure....It is also interesting to hear what my fellow students have to say. There are so many resources out there it is hard to keep up. 

Really interesting and productive week...


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